Taking Some Chance

Taking Some Chance

I didn’t want to listen to “Same Drugs” by Chance the Rapper. I’m like, “I don’t do drugs, ‘Drugs are bad, m’kay?’” But I gave in to the peer pressure and “took some Chance.” I’m glad I did.     In a nutshell, the song is referring to Peter Pan and Wendy. CTR’s saying, “Wendy, you grew up! You quit believing in what you could be! I don’t know you... you’re not like me anymore!!”  Dang. That so true isn’t it? You can be anything you want until you start “growing up.” Then everyone starts getting pushy: “NOPE! Quit dreaming. Get a job!” That's why most people just become what they're “supposed to.” That’s because most of us didn’t even know we had a choice: “Do I take the same “drugs” as Wendy...?…
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See the Change You Want to Be

See the Change You Want to Be

Have you ever learned something new that changed how you looked at life? I used to have a tendency to come up with all the reasons something would go wrong: Why “He’ll probably never call me back.” Why “That project’s gonna fail.” Why “My idea will never work.” Until one day, my best friend asked me, “Why do you always assume the worst?” I’d NEVER thought of it that way. I’d always thought I was preparing myself for rejection, or pain, or worse. But really I was torturing myself. Worrying about things that hadn’t happened. Limiting myself without even realizing it! But life feels GOOD when you shift  your thinking. Doesn’t it FEEL better thinking of all the great things that could happen? It FEELS better coming up with all…
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What Could You Make Happen if You Had Help?

What Could You Make Happen if You Had Help?

There’s no index, no dictionary, no guidebook for life, so everyone before us made it up as they went along. And we just keep doing what the people before us did. But it’s not 1900 anymore... and we’re using a model for life that’s about as old, outdated, and useless as these owners manuals you know everyone’s mom is keeping around the house... (*Edit* Whoops, this post shamed my mom into dumping hers! But I love stuff like this so much, it's what moms do!) [caption id="attachment_22" align="alignnone" width="1024"] How is this still a thing?[/caption] We GET to have a completely different way of life - we GET to because we GOT Thomas Jefferson’s permission in America’s Declaration of Independence: And I quote*: “It’s ok to do what you love…
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Updating Your Old Outdated Useless Owner’s Manual

There’s no index, no dictionary, no guidebook for life, so everyone before us made it up as they went along. And we just keep doing what the people before us did. But it’s 2018, not 1918... and we’re using a model for life that’s about as old, outdated, and useless as these owners manuals you know everyone’s mom is keeping around the house... We GET to have a completely different way of life - we GET to because we GOT Thomas Jefferson’s permission in America’s Declaration of Independence:   And I quote*: “It’s ok to do what you love and are good at. You’re here for a reason and you’re supposed to be happy about how you spend your time and energy!” *Not an exact quote But people forgot. And…
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