Who’s Sarah Booth?

:Who I am:
positive | joyful | leader
I’m quirky, and fun, and lots of people tell me, “You’re so inspiring!” I definitely wear my heart on my sleeve, so if I seem different, it’s because I’m just being natural and following my own rules – not trying to fit in or impress anyone.

I chat with anyone and everyone, and I looooooove making people laugh… I think everything’s funny – so I’m always laughing, too!

Every day I try to be a better person, learn something new, share what I know, keep physically fit, and roll around making friends on bicycles!

:Where I’m from:
Ohio | Charlotte | Everywhere
After 8 phenomenal, years in Charlotte, NC, I hit the road in September 2018 and became quite the cosmopolitan while traveling the U.S. on my Personal Excellence Tour! But if you ask where this accent’s from, I’ll tell you home is the small Appalachian Ohio town of Gallipolis. Call it “Gal-uh-pliss”, or say it the right way: “Gal-uh-po-liss.” 😉 Either way, I love my little hometown on the Ohio River!

:My Contribution:
Personal Excellence Guide | speaking | challenges
I create hilariously fun ConnectUP learning adventures and guide people on their personal journeys. Personal Excellence Adventure Challenges are coming soon!

:My Joy:
learning | philosophy | connecting
I love reading, and pondering, and talking to people! I’m a philosopher, so learning is my JAM!!!!

:Where I’ve been:
College Admissions Recruiter | Red Cross Rep | Real Estate Company Owner
I’ve had so many jobs my resume’s as hole-y as Swiss cheese – no judging! It’s how I figured out what I liked | hated | couldn’t wait to do | would never do again. (And I highly recommend it!)