What Could You Make Happen if You Had Help?

What Could You Make Happen if You Had Help?

There’s no index, no dictionary, no guidebook for life, so everyone before us made it up as they went along. And we just keep doing what the people before us did. But it’s not 1900 anymore... and we’re using a model for life that’s about as old, outdated, and useless as these owners manuals you know everyone’s mom is keeping around the house... (*Edit* Whoops, this post shamed my mom into dumping hers! But I love stuff like this so much, it's what moms do!) [caption id="attachment_22" align="alignnone" width="1024"] How is this still a thing?[/caption] We GET to have a completely different way of life - we GET to because we GOT Thomas Jefferson’s permission in America’s Declaration of Independence: And I quote*: “It’s ok to do what you love…
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Updating Your Old Outdated Useless Owner’s Manual

There’s no index, no dictionary, no guidebook for life, so everyone before us made it up as they went along. And we just keep doing what the people before us did. But it’s 2018, not 1918... and we’re using a model for life that’s about as old, outdated, and useless as these owners manuals you know everyone’s mom is keeping around the house... We GET to have a completely different way of life - we GET to because we GOT Thomas Jefferson’s permission in America’s Declaration of Independence:   And I quote*: “It’s ok to do what you love and are good at. You’re here for a reason and you’re supposed to be happy about how you spend your time and energy!” *Not an exact quote But people forgot. And…
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