Life’s a Journey: Why You Need a Guide

They say 30 is the hardest year of your life. That is false. It’s waking up every birthday and realizing everything’s exactly the same as the year before. I remember sitting straight up in bed the morning I turned 31 thinking, “Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip!” “My ship is sinking!!!” I was acutely aware: I’d quit so many jobs my resume looked like it was printed on Swiss cheese. My bank account was as bare Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard And I wasn’t doing the ONE THING I wanted more than anything: making a difference. FINALLY I decide to look for help in a place where most people wouldn’t be caught dead ...or alive: The Self-Help Section. You might feel like self-help books are lame-o. I get it, I felt like that too… at first… Listen,…
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The (REAL) Reason You Want to Do Work That Matters

You feel it too, don't you? That little voice saying, "You were meant for more." Exactly 10 years ago, I remember thinking, "You didn't go to school 4 years to do this." - I was a college graduate folding t-shirts at a store I knew marked their merch up 1000%, but only paid me $5.25 an hour. Miserable... Handing over my youth and energy for someone else's dream. First job I ever said, "Wellllllp. I quit." There's a reason you feel like you're meant for more. There's a reason you want to do work that matters Remember Maslow's triangle-y Hierarchy of Needs from Psych101? Basically, humans have psychological and biological needs. Once we've attained the very basics: food and shelter Then we need: to feel physical safety and economic security…
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